Monday, November 24, 2008


Driving in the fog this morning reminded me about something that I have been wondering about for a few weeks. We were over in eastern Washington for a little visit with our son. We went to dinner in Lewiston and were on our way back to Pullman. The fog had settled in and since I was not driving there was time to look around at the other drivers. A weird thought came to me as we were tooling along the road. Some of the cars that we passed had GPS systems on the dash, and I began to wonder how many people would try to use them to drive as the road got harder to see in the fog. The very next weekend a friend of mine took me down to the beach to work on one of his cars. It was foggy and he had his GPS on the dash and I started bugging him about being able to drive in the fog with his GPS. So how many drivers would think that their GPS would be able to let them navigate roads with zero visibility?

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