Monday, May 25, 2009


Moms little watchdog having a little fun with our daughter

Chewin a little grass

Chewing on the gloves

Showing the mean teeth

Working the paws

Running it out!

Follow Me

Follow Me, originally uploaded by rthde.

Just one of the sights that we saw at the lake yesterday.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The bird that rules our yard!

This bird and his/her companion rules our yard. Any birds that come around are promptly chased off. And there has been many a time that they have scolded me for walking in the yard. This makes bird watching at home very tough.

Bee Day

This morning I found the bees busy as usual in the blueberry patch. Some of the older larger bees were not to happy with me taking pictures of them. They kept buzzing around me and trying to drive me away. Luckily the younger, smaller ones did not care if I took their pictures.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Had to try some more shots of the Dogwood tree tonight!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Little something for Morgaine!

I know the flowers are not in focus, was trying to get the street lamp in focus and trying to keep from disturbing the elderly people as I was taking the pictures. This was taken at a retirement home.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


And more blooms to come.


The Dogwood tree is in bloom and looking lovely!

Friday, May 8, 2009

A Day in the Park!

The little ones were out in the park enjoying the Sun yesterday. What a wonderful day to spend a little time watching them.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Something New

I have been thinking about a series of pictures to use for Microsoft's Photosynth. This afternoon I took 22 pictures around a flower out front and tried it to see what it would look like. The synth came out looking good but I think I need to shoot shots from different angles to give it more depth. Right now it lets you look all the way around the flower. You can also zoom in and see the flower a little closer. If you get a chance check it out and see what you think.

New Perspectives

Today after church I went out to take a few pictures. These pictures were taken from a low angle because of the terrain.