Friday, February 27, 2009

Things That Make Moon Watching Fun!

Night Sky Note for February 27, 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009
The crescent Moon will pass very close to the crescent Venus. Look to the west after sunset for this stunning pair. This is the last pairing of Venus and the Crescent Moon in an evening sky until 2010. After dark, look for Comet Lulin with binoculars near the star Regulus in the constellation of Leo the Lion. Lulin will look like a faint patch of light.

This is from the Abrams Planetarium Web Site for objects in tonights sky.

I went out to walk the dogs and the Moon was playing hide and seek behind the clouds. I sat up my camera and patiently waited for the right moment when the Moon and the Planet were not obscured by the clouds and tried to get a good shot of them. My eyesight is not that good tonight, had to look through a welding helmet all week. Morgaine asked for a shot quite a while ago of the Moon and two of the planets, unfortunately the clouds would not cooperate then. Hope this looks OK.

Moon and a Planet

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