Sunday, June 28, 2015


    So many things running through my head lately. So many changes in this country that have some celebrating, others mourning. I don't feel like celebrating or mourning, but there is something nagging at my soul as I view what is going on around me.
    Maybe the age old question of, Why as a civilization have we not advanced beyond the us vs. them mentality. What holds us to this antiquated notion? This us vs. them mentality has created a lot of problems throughout history. And todays world does not seem to have advanced any more now than in times past.
    A younger version of myself loved to watch and read stories of a future world that we all shared, where men and women lived as equals. Where the fear of the others was far less than it is now. My younger self hungered for that world. Where all could live in peace and love.
   Stories were told about it in church, but it only existed in the afterlife. I wanted it to exist in this life. Surely if man could write about the afterlife and all the joys to be found there, he could find a way to bring about that life here. But as surely as the sun rises each day man kept clinging to the old ways.
    We even had a teacher sent to us to show the world how to live without fear of the others, and without using the old ways of us vs. them. A religion was even started that claimed to follow in his footsteps. But too quickly it was corrupted back into the old ways. The message was right there and they still fear to follow it.
    What drives the fear? What do they fear the most? The teacher showed us the way to live without that fear, but they feared living a life without the fear to drive them. And after all these years we still have problems understanding the message he brought to us.
    Still trying to decipher all the meanings of his message myself, which isn't easy with all that has not been written about his life. And I still feel fear about certain things in life, but when I let go and feel him walking beside me those fears go away.
    So when will man let goes of these fears and learn to follow what all the great prophets of old have tried to tell us? Somewhere in the future I hope that someone else does not sit down and write some of the same words that I have written here today. But one of my greatest fears is that this world will never change and mankind will be doomed to live as we always have, Us vs. Them and all the fear it entails.

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